
LOGARITHM math capsule

log ! log ! log! You know this was the most scary term in mathematics for me when i was in high school! But when i studied it , it became the most easy concept to learn and i used to do the problems in seconds . And sometimes that too without using pen and paper. LOGARITHM If 'a' is a positive real number other than 1 and 'b' is a rational number such that aⁿ= B then we say that logarithm of B to base 'a' is n or 'b' is the logarithm of N to base 'a', written as  logₐ B = n So, aⁿ = B <=> log ₐ B = n e.g. 7º = 1 <=> log ₇ 1 = 0


This blog post is going to tell you about polynomials , and if you want to learn them , then believe me that this is the right place for you .  Great article coming up ! Don't you believe me? you will ! :)  POLYNOMIALS An algebraic expression having a variable x and its non-negative integral powers with real numbers as coefficients is called a polynomial in x.


So good to see you here ! I think learning is the most valuable thing we can do to ourselves . I don't know i may be biased with studies, but i love it to do . Hope that you will digest this article and start loving the numbers :)  SQUARE OF A NUMBER The square of a number is obtained by multiplying it by itself. e.g. Square of 5 = 5 * 5 = 25 , square of 6 = 6 * 6 = 36 Perfect square or square number - A natural number n is called a perfect square or a square number , if there exists a natural number m i.e. n = m². e.g. The numbers 1 , 4 , 9 , 16 , 25 ,........  are square number.

PERCENTAGE math capsule

I was always the first kid in my classroom to whom the teacher used to ask what percentage of studies do you do at home? And i was confused every time, why because i did not know the answer? Not really , i knew it .... but the answer was 0% . hehe But yeah of course i used to cover all this during the school hours of mine , so , lets start this blog post and i hope this will help you guys learn at a much faster rate. PER CENT  Per cent is a fraction whose denominator is 100 and numerator of the fraction is called the rate per cent . Per cent is denoted by the symbol '%'.


Tips: have a cup of tea ! i know you are going to love this . RATIO A ratio is the fraction or comparison of two or more quantities of the same type by division , i.e. if a and b are two quantities of same kind then the fraction a/b is called the ratio a to b . Here , a is called the first term (or antecedent) and b is called the second term (or consequent ) . e.g. The ratio of 7m to 9m or 7 : 9.