aditya verma |
Hi there ,
how are you all doing ? hope this finds you in great cheers....
An engineer by profession , and a singer and blogger from soul, i wanted to actually do something great for the society. One day in my college hostel i got to know about the blogging thing and went to my seniors to know about what it is exactly . I just loved the idea that i can share my thoughts about the things that i want, with you people around the world, without any sort of interruptions . So i decided to start my blogging career with focusing what i can provide to my audience . I loved mathematics so i started a blog with it .
Hope you will love my posts,
if you have any query or any suggestions or if you want me to write on anything that you want ,
you can contact me :
aditya verma
Math Capsule
email: adityaverma998mac@gmail.com
thank you for your kind perusal
keep learning and smiling 😊
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